Our goals include:
• Responsible ecology
• Effective communications
• Lake safety

We also manage general improvements and maintenance of the shoreline, beaches and roads.



Article I. The Name of the Association shall be The Lake Mill Association

Article II. Purposes and Aims of the Association
The general purposes and aims of the Association are to promote the interest and welfare of the residents and owners of land in the area bordering on and adjacent to Lake Mill, Bloomingdale Township, Van Buren County, Michigan, and to promote the general improvements and ecology of LAKE MILL LAKE, improvement and maintenance of the shoreline, beaches, and roads; and any other thing or things related thereto; and to promote the neighborliness of all persons living in and or visiting within the area.

Article III. Members
(a) The membership of the Association shall be open to all those residing on or owning, property on any existing subdivision with lake frontage a part of said subdivision, and all those residing on or owning property with lake frontage, Lake Mill.

(b) In addition to such dues and initiation fees as may be established from time to time by the Board of Directors, the Board of Directors may levy such special assessments whenever in their judgment such assessments may be necessary or expedient to raise funds to carry out the work of the Association, but hat such assessment shall not exceed $25.00 per member, per year, unless the general membership of the Association at any special or general meeting of the membership duly called, shall approve such higher assessments.

(c) For assessment purposes, as well as voting, a husband and wife may be considered as a one-unit membership.

(d) The Secretary shall keep an active list of all members and issue to each member a proper card or document setting forth their membership in the Association.

(e) The Board of Directors shall have the final approval or rejection of any member or proposed member should any question be raised.

Article IV. Area and Address
The Board of Directors shall determine at all times the general area and boundaries in which the Association will function and endeavor to have its influence felt for the best interest of its membership. The place of the office of the Association shall be such place as the Directors shall determine from time to time, and if no such place is selected by the Directors, the office shall be the residence of the Secretary.

Article V. Management of the Affairs of the Association
(a) The affairs of the Association shall be administered by the Board of Directors of Seven (7) members.

(b) All members who shall be elected to the original Board shall serve for one year or until their successors shall have been duly elected and qualified.

(c) The Board of Directors may thereafter determine the number of Directors to be elected, but not to be less than four or more than twelve.

(d) The terms of the first Board of Directors shall be for one year; thereafter their terms shall be for three years and staggered so that no more than three of the Director's terms shall expire in each year; the Directors shall be elected at the regular 1972 election and the year of each term shall be determined by lot after said election.

(e) The Board shall elect from the Board of Directors a President, Vice-President, Secretary, Treasurer, and establish the duties of each office.

(f) Of the first Board of Directors there may be chosen such alternate Directors as the Board feels desirable.

(g) The Board of Directors shall have full authority and management over any property or property interests of the Association, real or personal.

(h) The Board shall have the authority and power to fill by selection any vacancy in any office at any time they deem expedient.

Article VI. Meetings
(a) There shall be at least one membership meeting per year, and the Board of Directors shall meet as often as the affairs of the Association may require, and it shall be permissible for the Directors to invite any one of the membership to attend any such meeting of the Directors to offer such advice or counsel as may be desired.

(b) The President shall call all meetings of the members and the Directors, and in his absence the meetings may be called by any three members of the Board.

(c) Notice of Board of Directors meetings shall be oral or written at least 48 hours in advance of meeting, four members shall constitute a quorum.

(d) Any 20 members in good standing shall constitute a quorum in any special or general meeting of the Association; notice of such meetings shall be by card or letter mailed to the last known address at least 10 days prior to meeting.

Article VII. Amendments to Constitution and By-Laws
Amendments to these articles of Constitution and By-Laws shall be made at meetings of the membership of the Association; same shall be first filed with the Secretary of the Board and same shall be presented at the next special or regular meeting of the membership.

Article VIII. Officers and their Duties
(a) The President shall preside at all meetings of the Association and the Board of Directors. The President shall appoint all general and special committees; and he shall see that the Will of the Board of Directors and the general aims of the Association are carried out.

(b) The Vice-President will discharge the duties of the President in his absence.

(c) The Treasurer shall keep an account of moneys received by or expended by the Association, and make such reports to the Board of Directors and the membership as the Board shall direct.

(d) The Secretary shall give all notices of meetings and shall keep a true and accurate record of the proceedings of all meetings, and the Secretary shall countersign all checks of the Association.

Article IX. Conduct of Meetings
The Conduct of meetings will be in order of business and shall be observed according to Robert's Rules of Order: 1. Call to order, 2. Reading of the Minutes, 3. Reading or Report on Communications or Letters, 4. Treasurer's Report, 5. President's Report, 6. Standing Committee Reports, if any, 7. Special Committee Reports, if any, 8. Old Business, 9. New Business, 10. Adjournment

President (signed) George P. Sage

Secretary (signed) Adrian Ryno


Original Board of Directors: George Sage, Todd Moore, Adrian Ryno, William Griffes, Steve Hustafa, Ron Olson, Milton Mravis


Article VI. Meetings
(d) Any 15 members in good standing shall constitute a quorum in any special or general meeting of the Association; notice of such meetings shall be by card or letter mailed to the last known address at least 10 days prior to meeting.

Adopted August 2, 1980